Keyword Stuffing – A Copywriting Game Not to Play

Did you ever play the game Chubby Bunny at camp when you were a kid? You know, the game where you stuff as many marshmallows as you can into your mouth and try to say the words “Chubby Bunny” while laughing and trying not to choke on the powdered sugar goodness? Just in case a …

How Images Can Help with SEO

Images are a way to make your site look more attractive and encourage your visitors to spend more time on the site, but they can also serve very real SEO purposes. Proper implementation of images on your site or blog can increase your search engine rankings and attract a couple different kinds of backlinks.

Google Pagination SEO Solutions

The way that search engines handle pagination has long been a problem in SEO worlds, and Google is finally offering a solution, with the view-all page, and the rel=next and rel=prev header tags to describe to Google the relationship between paginated pages.

Google+ Opens to the Public, Adds Search

The Google+ social network has been in limited invite-only field trial for 3 months, and is already the fastest growing social network in history. Google has just announced that Google+ is entering its open beta, meaning that Google+ is finally open to anyone to join.