Trackable Social Share Icons v1.0 Released

Ecreative Internet Marketing releases version 1.0 of the Trackable Social Share Icons Wordpress plugin. Provided free to the Wordpress community, version 1.0 of the plugin adds the Facebook Like icon, as well as increased ability over where the icons appear, including the ability to turn them off on any given post.

Call Me MacGyver

Sometimes life in SEO land is good, and sometimes it’s less good. It can be easy to overlook how vital it is to design a website — and the site’s back end CMS — with SEO in mind from the beginning. Without the right tools, the SEO professional is trying to be like MacGyver and improvising the tools necessary to get the job done.

Facebook Finally Fixes Failed Employer Pages Link

Been wanting to promote your employer’s page in your Facebook profile? Perhaps you tried to link it in the past were only able to link to a strange, gray briefcase icon. Facebook has now made it easy to update and link to your employer’s page, just follow my easy directions!

Splash Pages are the Devil

Splash pages on websites — those welcome screens or intro videos — are an archaic design feature that just refuses to die. Splash pages are very user unfriendly, research shows that users hate them, and they significantly hurt the SEO authority of your site.

Images and Text in Email Marketing Campaigns

Nowadays the vast majority of all email programs disable images by default. This is why it’s so vital that your email marketing campaign is designed to be effective even if your subscribers don’t see a single image in the eblast.