Google Implements Unique Product Identifiers for Shopping Feeds

Google has just implemented the requirement for unique product identifiers for products in the Google shopping feed. Based on Google’s comments, it appears that the main focus of this requirement is to make it easier for Google to know when two offerings are actually the same product, and then to display the lowest price. Unfortunately, this sounds like not just an easy system to game, but possibly one that encourages deceptive e-retailing practices.

Fix for iframes in WordPress for YouTube Embed and Amazon Affiliates

By default, Wordpress doesn’t play very well with iframes. In the past this hasn’t been a problem, but now that YouTube is using iframes as their default code to embed their videos, it’s increasingly frustrating that Wordpress and iframes don’t get along. Here is a very simple fix to allow iframes to work flawlessly with your Wordpress blog.

Google to Start Charging for Some Adwords Phone Extension Calls

Google has offered adwords advertisers the ability to use a unique Google-provided phone number in their ads that re-route to their phone line. The advantage of using the Google number is that all calls to that number could be automatically tracked via call metrics, giving a far better view of how the adwords campaign was performing. But starting in May, Google will be charging $1.00 for manually dialed calls to that number.

How to Turn Off / On Comments in WordPress 3.1 +

The newer versions of Wordpress (3.1+) have made some changes to some of the default options in the admin section, and among those changes was some housekeeping to shuffle several options out of the way. In the process many people now don’t know where to go to turn off (or on) comments in their Wordpress blog. This simple guide covers how to use the new Screen Options (and where to find it) to access all of the customization options in Wordpress posts.