Twitter Ventures Into Twitter Brand Accounts
Twitter announced late last week that they’ll be releasing Twitter brand pages. Only in limited release, Internet Marketing Specialist, Amy describes the primary features and their usefulness.
Twitter announced late last week that they’ll be releasing Twitter brand pages. Only in limited release, Internet Marketing Specialist, Amy describes the primary features and their usefulness.
The Google Panda update is a separate algorithm that runs every few months and searches for what it considers poor quality sites. Sites targeted by Google’s Panda generally have a characteristic footprint that can include any of the following: Duplicated content — either duplicated across other sites, or heavy duplication within the same site Very …
Google has announced that they will be starting a monthly series listing some of the more significant algorithm updates they’ve made in the past month. This month’s update includes algorithm changes to help detect scraper sites better, and to devalue parked domains — those one-page sites with nothing but ads on them that are waiting for someone to offer them a fortune for their domain name.
The world of internet marketing is filled with a lot of research, and unfortunately is filled with a lot of really poor quality research that is scientifically meaningless, but presented in an authoritative way. These are some of the most common areas of garbage research produced by SEO companies.
Matt Cutts recently confirmed what many geeks of the web world have been hinting at for some time- Google indexes content contained in AJAX/Javascript comment boxes on blogs, webpages and forums which includes Facebook comments. Read more about what this means and what you should know.